Thursday, March 26, 2009

Future Rodeo Queens.

Some of our really good friends, have horses, and they told us to come over and ride them. This was a bitter sweet thing for me, because I Love Horses I've always wanted a horse except for one little problem. I'm allergic to them. So of course I sat in the truck watching my little cowgirl ride on the most beautiful horse named TOOTSIE. That lasted about 45 minutes and I couldn't resist I had to ride her. Tyson just shook his head because he new the outcome to this lovely afternoon. I had the time of my life. I even was able to ride all by myself. This lasted for a whole hour and then I could feel my eyes start to itch and burn, then the runny nose, and then the sneezing, and before long yes you guessed it an allergy -asthma attack. So I guess your wondering if I learned my lesson NOPE I'm going back as soon as I can. Natalia shared my love for horses the next morning when she woke up she asked me when we could go see Tootsie. I just think horses are such amazing animals.


Ty and Marla Stevens said...

I love it so fun! I love the pics of Gavin in the tuck too so cute. I miss my Gavin boy. Give me a call when you get some time! Wait, yeah right is there such a thing?

leslie jo said...

Fun stuff! I have only been on a horse at a carnival you know the ones that go round and round and then down the street just walking. I would like to try more though. What we do for fun huh? I hope your asthma attack was short lived.
So.. you live in Gilbert so does my sister and brother in law the Innes'
I understand being homesick and I only live in OREM.. so sad huh.

Mckenzie said...

So cute! (I just posted pictures of Payson, so check them out. They are cute of you all!)

Misty said...

I can totally picture it - your eyes getting all watery and itchy, but I'm sure it was totally worth it. PS - I am pretty sure those aren't appropriate riding shoes!

karisadarling said...

You should have tried out for Miss Rodeo not Miss. Lehi! You look like a natural on that horse!

Anna said...

HOlly! I just saw that you posted your blog on FB so I had to check it out. I'm adding you to my blog roll. Your family is DARLING!

Kellybean said...

how fun! you guys are cute!